Precious water
Friday, 17. September 1943
A day job was not: The potato peeling. Before 2 We had shelled days so much potatoes and Fellner had cooked a delicious pea soup, and the food was managed to the Russians. Our Fourier who drove a car 5. Battery at the caring for the battery with catering in the enemy lines. A few 2 cm guns of our 2. Tried this with several shots before the car battery to keep [to] cause wanted to. This Gunners saw how the Russians surrounded the car and how the two occupants with his hands got only.
The potato Peel had to our measuring troop trucks with the drinking water tanker los ride and water points. I also went with. First, we drove back further. Far and wide, no Bach, No pond, only wide, barren steppe areas moved down. After several kilometres, we searched for water in a village, side of the road. Arrived a standing waters. The water was black and stank terribly. Even the sight of the water ekelte to us. So we went to the village. Here, the usual fountains were missing entirely. We frugen the population where there is water. They showed us a small pond where very good water creatures around zappelte. Also of this stinking water we wrested from us very quickly. Perhaps the Russians could drink the water. Else you were indeed not be used to. So we drove back again. We went over our Protze, further ahead. We came back at the pond, where she led a large wooden bridge whom. Suddenly it howled approached and 2 Grenades rushed into the water, the high aufspritzte. We directed to immediately, drove to the edge of the water and scooped with several buckets of water to our tank trucks. Although it was not very clean, so we took it but, order at all what to bring.
Our spit has wondered very, where we so long remained. But we told him everything exactly. Late afternoon, it was said again times quickly recharge everything and get down. Again rebase! This time, however, it seemed to be hurry. It went back on this road, She led advance with us. The street was always down, across a dried-up stream across and over there again frightening steeply high. Again drove vehicle rear of vehicle. In a short holding, we took 3 wounded infantrymen with, You were on the road and waited for, She takes back to a car with. These 3 Soldiers told us, how it went forward actually to. You spoke of disintegration and believed also, with the officers likely something wrong. Since the Russian civilians had to always anti-tank trenches and so-called Hauptkampflinien dig. Then it was almost every day, the front on the and the trench is withdrawn in the course of the night, and the next morning we noticed, that it was only a bluff and the concerned line was long since exceeded by the enemies.
As the darkness of the monotonous country moved, our spit told to us a new position of prowess. The slightly ascending meadow was already damp steamed up and it took quite some time, until we had sought our tarpaulins in this darkness. Rings around us, from the Northeast, East and South until far after Westsüdwest around, a wreath of burning villages moved on the horizon. Crimson, the firmament was covered. Our returning troops turned to the tactics here probably, the us the Russian in the year 41 has learned, namely all burn down, Thus the often enemy no accommodations and supplies, but finds only rubble, with the he nothing can start. When looking at this peculiar image, We again received the call: “Again everything Pack. We'll move on immediately!”