Enjoyable trivialities

17. June 1943

Now I will digress briefly from the warlike events and me the daily and official events, They were partly cheerful or serious nature for us, turn to. It is now been, that the other countries had a great anger on the flak, because we have been used in the Hinterlande Yes from time to time. And at such times we had a really pleasant life.

What we have now on air base. The most important was the sauna and the bath. It was a true delight for us, If we each week could wash the dust and sweat us. With the visit of the bath, a cinema was usually connected. I saw every film which ran there, and there were only the latest shown. Even in our position, the Weir surprised us(erzi)support with some well gelungenen events. So a KdF group enjoyed us in our defense childcare shanty [“Strength through joy”], a different times had to admit still a concert an air force Chapel, because their first concert was a huge success. A nice hour was also, as we be the war settled on a beautiful sunny days, put us in the grass and listened to the pop melodies of a Lautsprecherwagens, which had come to us.

The meals I can not complain about in General. I'm always become fed up. Burnt down as our kitchen with entire inventories, suffered no deterioration in the supply. Motorists however, There lived, had covered the opportunity quickly and under the guideline of Bergens of inventories they did what they could achieve only aside. So, they had real, Chocolate, Canned meat etc.. on their car. hidden. We are in the position got only 2 Scho-CA-Cola cans [“Flyer-chocolate”] and some canned meat, because they could no longer pick up the stuff because fire taste. We were also quite well supplied with personal demand items. Several times we were pretty drunk and a number “drunken bodies” showed us, the the Sutlers' brandy and-rum have not missed its effects. Particularly he sucked. “Goks” (Rum with sugar lumps) did not miss its effect. I drank with course fixed, was still not blue. Some from the BI operation fell together on the device when the night alarm. Again others were worn in the Leichenzuge in the barracks. Thank God, them that no officer has seen something.





June 1943

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