High visit

11. September 1943

The next day, Sunday, the 11.9., outbid the previous day on strength and intensity of the battle with the attacking associations. It returned PE-2 and IL-2 Associations served. Occasionally our boss didn't even whether he should shoot on low-flying aircraft or on the high flying combat machines, because both types at the same time attacked. But always he chose the most dangerous for us Association to the fire.

Most of the time, he gave some quiet statements before the battle. As but a combat aviation unit us started that one could think: NA, I hope that we get from nothing, and called the E-measurement room addition: “Target throwing bombs!”, because it was once again out with silence. It was all nervous and uncertain and it howled suddenly and crashed it. The bombs had taken. A huge wall of smoke and dust was only a few 100 m of us away in the air. Now, After the bombs were exploded, was it clear to us, that now no bombs can fall more to us. Immediately, the mood on the set failed to return. Everyone got courage again and wanted to prove his readiness as possible accurate work. The departing Russian Federation could do nothing more to us.

In a lull, a small car column in our position bog a suddenly. Of course we were directed to the incoming high Mr immediately with glasses of our indicative and who got out: The Kdr. [Commander] of the air fleet 6, Colonel-General Ritter von Greim.

Robert Ritter v. Greim

(CC) Federal Archives: Knight v. Greim

With him came his entourage. lieutenant. Pure Kingdom made smart message, and then they came forth to us in the State. By Greim and Kingdom of purity discussed the air raids of the yesterday and v. Greim asked, why because the delivery figures when such numerous Einflügen were so low? This Reinekingt replied, that we are the only battery in the air age in this space and a friend said he, It is sometimes impossible, to shoot all the bodies, because always several at the same time attacked. V. Greim asked to us, “If 100 enemy aircraft are, how much should be launched by then? Sergeant. Schweig responded: 99! V. Greim said that would be right. A machine to heimfliegen can and report, What's going on with us. This high Lord was probably not satisfied about the firing numbers of flak. Always they wanted higher beyond. If the possibility would have passed, that we would have to shoot more, would have we certainly done it. And that already in our are interest. But it is now in the nature of the flak, that the success, the use of munitions, according to, are low.

Throughout the conversation with Colonel-General, ran around cameramen to us and filmed. Finally unbuttoned v. Greim even slow his leather coat on, Here he had the Oak leaves to the Ritterkreuze Flash, and received a Rocktasche a person and filmed our operation. Later, some have questioned, whether he has ever had a movie in it, or whether he has done so. In any case I have made on this occasion also an excellent recording.

Worth mentioning would still hold, that v. Was also on the Erdkämpfe of our guns to speak Greim. This highly appreciative he spoke out for the men and said, that pure Kingdom it “really big” would have made and which he accordingly would appreciated for it. Now we might think we have it: the Knight's cross beckoned for our boss. The Colonel-General visited then our guns and then again continued this Association. They were hardly disappeared our views, so there was also the call: “Alarm!”





September 1943

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